Thursday, April 07, 2005


I had a look at the Foreword to “Big Book” put out by Alcoholics Anonymous in 1939: very intriguing. It addresses governance and credibility succinctly. The world has changed considerably since then, but human problems have not.

Trust is the basis of all commerce, all intercourse. In unstructured situations amongst strangers there is almost always little or no trust. This is our challenge for the future: the creation and maintenance of trust across lines of similarity.

Trust is not an issue limited to Palestinian-Israeli relations or the war in Iraq or the interactions of multinationals in developing countries. Intent lies at the heart of trust. And because we cannot know others and are disproportionately averse to loss or pain of any sort we find it very difficult to trust. Relationship requires time and familiarity.

A prayer: Open my heart, Lord, that I may accept….

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